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David Garza
President Tecnológico de Monterrey

Peter Vesterbacka
Entrepreneur and co-founder at Edunation, Fun Academy, Lightneer, HP Bazaar, FinEst Bay Area, and SlushThe former Mighty Eagle and CMO of Angry Birds at Rovi

Andy Coxall
Common Purpose Student Experiences

Giota Alevizou
Research Fellow in Collective
Intelligence and Digital Ethics
Knowledge Media Institute –
The Open University

David Hanson
Founder, Chairman, Chief Creative Officer
Hanson Robotics

Simon Nelson
Chief Executive

Ian Curran
Vice Dean, Education
Co-Director, Academic Medicine Education Institute
Duke-NUS Medical School

Teklu A Bekele
Associate Professor
The American University in Cairo

Rob Smith
Higher Education & Research Industry Lead
Microsoft Asia Pacific

Adrienne Torda
Associate Dean, Education and Innovation,
Faculty of Medicine
UNSW Sydney