Denis Guibard, started his carrier in the R&D at the French National Center for Telecommunications Studies (CNET) in the field of satellite communications before taking responsibility for designing the R&D strategy of France Télécom (the French national telecommunications operator) , later Orange. In this position, he contributed to the implementation of the operator first international laboratory in Silicon Valley.

He pursued his career at Orange, being in charge of innovation and marketing on B2B vertical markets, then becoming program manager for the design and the deployment of Orange fiber optic pan-European network, before being promoted as Vice-President Quality and Information System for Orange international networks division.

He then joined Orange mass market division as Vice-President in charge of innovation and disruptive projects such TV over IP or home automation. From 2008 to 2014, he has been Vice-President for Sustainability, Products and Services, aiming at turning sustainability into an innovation and value creation driver. In this position, he has been involved in the development of the digital economies in Africa.

He was appointed Dean of Institut Mines-Télécom Business School in December 2014 .

Denis Guibard graduated from École Polytechnique and Télécom ParisTech . He also holds an MBA degree from Sloan School of Management (MIT, Cambrige USA). He holds responsibilities in various organizations focusing on CSR and Sustainable Development, including chairman of the CSR and Sustainability Committee of the Association of French “Grandes Ecoles”(CGE) and Collège des Directeurs du Développement Durable (C3D), a leading think and do tank, gathering Sustainability Officers in more than 240 French companies, from SMEs to the largest international companies.

Professor Anne Sinnott was appointed Deputy President of DCU in July 2020, and also holds the position of Vice President for Diversity and Equality. Prior to her appointment as Deputy President, Professor Sinnott was Executive Dean of DCU Business School and a member of both the Senior Management Group and Executive of the University. She has held the roles of Deputy Dean, Director of International Development, Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning and Head of the Marketing Group during her time in DCU.

Prof Sinnott has previously worked in both market research and in education. She is an IRCA certified Internal Quality Auditor and a member of the Marketing Institute of Ireland. Since leading DCU Business School to AACSB accreditation in 2015 she has served on a number of AACSB peer review panels and as mentor to a number of International business schools. She is a member of the AACSB Continuous Review Committee and the European Advisory Panel. She is the Aurora Champion in DCU and sits on the University’s Women in Leadership Steering Group.

Her current interests include women in leadership and business education for women in Saudi Arabia.

Prof Sinnott holds a PhD and MBA from NUI, Galway and a BA and Higher Diploma in Education from University College Dublin. Recent research projects have included the marketization of higher education and the development of a customer centric approach to policing.

Colin Scott is Professor of EU Regulation and Governance at UCD where he currently serves as Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Principal of UCD College of Social Sciences and Law and Dean of Social Sciences. He has also served as Dean of Law at UCD. He previously lectured at the University of Warwick, the London School of Economics and the College of Europe, Bruges and was a Senior Research Fellow in the Regulatory Institutions Network at the Australian National University. His research addresses themes of effectiveness and accountability of regulation and challenges regulation presents to democratic governance. He has taught in the fields of regulatory governance professional regulation and consumer protection. Colin previously served as a board member of the Institute of Public Administration and was Convenor of the ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, 2016-2021. He is currently an independent member of the National Economic and Social Council and the Irish Research Council and on the Editorial Board of The Conversation UK.

Karen Tinsner-Fuchs is the Head of International Engagement & Quality Development at the University of St. Gallen. Ensuring high-quality teaching, research, and executive education is crucial to the University’s reputation. The Quality Development team is responsible for accreditations, rankings, evaluations and provides monitoring tools and information for programme management to identify areas for development. Karen holds a doctorate in higher education research from the University of Zurich and has nearly two decades of experience in quality assurance and development. Her previous positions include Head of Teaching Evaluation at the Medical School of the University of Ulm, Project Manager at the Evaluation Office of the University of Zurich and Research Assistant at the Chair of Social Psychology and Higher Education Research at ETH Zurich.

Eero Loonurm has been active in higher education internationalisation for nearly 15 years. His responsibilities in the Estonian Education and Youth Board include the development and execution of the national higher education marketing strategy for “Study in Estonia” and representing Estonia in management and strategy related working groups on the national level and European level.

He was the working group member of the national strategy “Estonia 2035” and is the Management Committee member of the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) “European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting Research and Practice”.

He is the marketing and communications expert in promoting Europe as a study destination for the European Commission project “Study in Europe”.

Mary Tupan-Wenno is the executive director of ECHO, Center for diversity policy in The Hague, the Netherlands. Her professional involvement in diversity and inclusion developments in higher education started at the Dutch Ministry of Education Culture and Science. Mary has more than 30 years of experience with policy and program development to improve equity of underrepresented and marginalised groups in higher education and at the labour market, with a specific focus on ethnic diversity. Mary is a founding member of the European Access Network (1991) and GAPS, Global Access to Postsecondary Education initiative (2016) and a member of the Board of EAN and GAPS.

ECHO is a non-profit organization focusing on developing new strategies, policies, and practices to improve diversity and inclusion and counter racism and other mechanisms of exclusion in higher education and the labor market. ECHO collaborates nationally and internationally with schools, universities, businesses, governments, and student- and community organizations.

Ianis G. Matsoukas holds a PhD degree from University of Warwick, and has completed his post-doctoral studies at Cornell University, ETH-Zurich, and University of Warwick. He has worked for many years as an executive and non-executive director in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry.

Ianis is currently the Executive Director of Metropolitan College Global University Hub; the largest University Hub in the South East Europe, home to key global universities, offering diverse academic and professional education programs. Prior to joining Metropolitan College of Greece, Ianis worked as Associate Professor in Medical Biotechnology, as a Head of a UK Business School, and as an Academic Executive for 5 years in the Vice Chancellor’s office of a UK University.

He has attended executive education programmes at Wharton, and Harvard Medical School, whereas his research papers have been presented in prestigious academic and professional journals, conferences and the press.

An experienced leader with a global perspective, a talent for cross-cultural and interdisciplinary team-management. An innovator with a proven track record for spotting upcoming trends and their opportunities, as well as developing strategies to exploit these trends for stakeholder growth and engagement. A natural networker who has an established media presence, industry visibility and global corporate relationships.

Steve Carter has been at the front line of international student recruitment for over 20 years working as a Global Sales and Marketing Director for several large education companies, including Study Group and Cambridge Education Group. He has extensive first-hand experience of multi-channel recruitment of students from all regions of the world.

In July 2020 he co-founded StudentApply, a global student recruitment platform focussed on recruiting international students from diverse markets for a global portfolio of highly ranked universities.

StudentApply was acquired by QS Quacquarelli Symonds in November 2021 and Steve now serves as Vice President of QS Apply. The mission remains unchanged – to recruit qualified international students from under-represented countries to add to the diversity of our partner universities.

Dr Jean van Sinderen-Law graduated from UCC with a Bachelor of Science degree and a PhD in Microbiology. In 2018 Jean was appointed as Associate Vice President/Director of European Relations and Public Affairs. Formerly she held the roles in UCC of EU Projects Officer, Research Support Officer, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, Associate Vice President/Director of Principal Gifts, each of which has been a new role created in response to changing economic/Government circumstances in which the University sector operates. Prior to her commencement on staff at University College Cork Jean held an EU funded Marie Curie post-doctoral research fellowship at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands.

As Director of European Relations and Public Affairs, Jean is responsible for establishing key partnerships for the University with the European Institutions, Universities, Governments and agencies to advance UCC’s education, research and public engagement missions. These partnerships bring new ideas and new practices to the University which cultivate work ready and world ready graduates through postgraduate research and training, staff and student mobility, investment and the delivery of excellence in teaching, cultural, sporting and social programmes. Such partnerships enable input to policy and funding opportunities in a timely and planned manner resulting in harnessing of new opportunities, not only for the University but for its partners and stakeholders nationally and internationally thus contributing to economic, social and cultural growth.

Jean served as a Governor of UCC and also was elected as a member of the Senate of the National University of Ireland. She is a founding member of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) and the European Commission Marie Curie Fellowship Association. She is a Trustee of CASE Europe (Council for the Advancement and Support of Education), an organisation with a global membership of 3,500 educational institutions.

Jean has worked in a pro bono capacity for several charitable organisations including the Haven Partnership in Haiti, the Hope Foundation in Calcutta, Concern in Addis Ababa and Our Ladies Hospital for Sick Children in Crumlin, Dublin. She serves on the board of management of Presentation Brothers School, Cork, is a trustee of the Tomar Trust engaged in the business of philanthropy and is a non-executive director of Egerton Capital Equity Fund.

Jean was selected as the Women Mean Business (WMB) Businesswoman of the year in Ireland in 2010.

Her “otherness” is as an actress for which she has trained and has considerable experience in film, television and theatre.