Es Rector del Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), desde enero de 2021, tras finalizar dos periodos rectorales de 2013 a 2020 como rector de la universidad pedagógica dominicana, el Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña (ISFODOSU).

Es egresado de State University of New York at Albany donde obtuvo un Doctorado en Estudios Organizacionales y Gerenciales de su Escuela de Negocios. Sus estudios de grado los hizo en la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), donde obtuvo el título de licenciado en Psicología. También realizó estudios de Postgrado en Planificación y Administración de la Educación Superior en el Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC).

En el INTEC fue vicerrector de Investigación y Vinculación (2008-2013); decano del Área de Negocios (1994-1995); director ejecutivo de Educación Permanente y Divulgación Científica (1985-1986), y ha impartido docencia en programas de grado y postgrado.

Como consultor ha servido tanto al sector privado, especialmente en el ámbito bancario, minero e industrial, como al sector público, en los ámbitos de educación superior y reforma del Estado y la administración pública, y en organismos internacionales como el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional y programas de la Unión Europea. Su labor como consultor y docente le ha llevado además a Barbados, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guyana, México, Nicaragua, Perú y Trinidad-Tobago, entre otros países.

Como investigador ha participado en proyectos en los ámbitos de educación superior, sistemas nacionales de ciencia y tecnología, desarrollo socio-económico e instituciones y desarrollo con el Instituto Internacional de la UNESCO para la Educación Superior en América Latina y el Caribe (IESALC-UNESCO, el Centro para el Estudio de las Migraciones de Princeton University, el Consorcio UNIVERSIA-CINDA, el Grupo de Consultoría Pareto, y el Centro de Investigación y Documentación Social (CIDOS). Ha publicado en Ciencia y Sociedad, en la Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, en el Organizational Behavior Bulletin y en Organization Studies, entre otras publicaciones.

Ha publicado también seis casos de estudio de éxito de micro, pequeña y mediana empresa, con los auspicios del CAMPE-INTEC y de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) y otro para Saskatchewan Trade Export Partnership, en Canadá. Mantuvo por dos años la columna Mercado en la Sección de Económicas del periódico Hoy y por un año (2000) la columna Temas Gerenciales en el periódico El Caribe. Es miembro de The Academy of Management Association y revisor para distintas revistas académicas en la región. Fue miembro del Consejo Editorial de INCAE Business Review.

Sus intereses principales de investigación son en las áreas de educación superior, liderazgo y desarrollo gerencial, poder e influencia en las organizaciones y evolución y transformación organizacional e institucional.

En la actualidad es miembro del Consejo Asesor de la Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Galicia, del sistema de agencias acreditadoras del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, así como de la directiva del Grupo Compostela de Universidades (GCU) integrado por universidades europeas y latinoamericanas

También, ha sido miembro de diversas organizaciones internacionales como la American Management Association, secretario ejecutivo de la Red Educativa Universitaria de Conocimiento y Acción Regional (Reducar); de la Coalición Latinoamericana para la Excelencia Docente y miembro del Comité Coordinador del Programa Regional para el Desarrollo de la Profesión Docente en América Latina y el Caribe.

Gustavo Mizraim González Rodríguez is an educator, philosopher and academic consultant, with a doctorate in Education Sciences. Passionate about teaching and continuous training, he has dedicated his academic life to Didactics, School Management and the impact of Information and Communication Technologies in Pedagogy. He has more than 20 years of teaching experience at different educational levels. He has been Professor of Organization and Institutional Management of the Department of Educational Administration of the Central University of Venezuela. He is Rector of ISAE University in Panama.

Master in Educational Administration, with a 31-year career in private higher education.

Ms. Gazel has held different positions, such as a Professor and Director of University Studies, Director of University Extension, Executive Secretary, as well as a teacher at preschool and primary level. In Universidad Fidélitas, she has served as Director of Academic Processes, Vice Provost, and currently as Provost, accumulating more than 15 working years in this institution.

She has extensive experience leading processes of creation and improvement of university careers and other degrees, as well as processes of accreditation and implementation of the STEM methodology at university level. She is also an international evaluator of the EQUAA Accreditation Agency.

She is constantly updating her professional academic profile at international level:
– Play, Learning and Creativity Symposium. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. ChileLearning.
– Strategies in E-learning, Universidad Católica de Ávila, Spain.
– Leadership, University Governance, and Active Hybrid Learning. Laspau, Harvard-affiliated institution.
– STEAM Diploma. Bolivarian University of Colombia and the Organization of American States.

In addition to her academic skills, Ms. Gazel is a professional with impeccable ethics, natural leadership, with ease of communication at all levels. She is highly executive, decision-maker, very proactive, with proven problem-solving skills, as well as a fervent promoter of the STEM methodology, essential aspects that favor the path towards the digital transformation that we are implementing.

Patricio Lopez-Jaramillo was born in Quito, Ecuador, 10 February 1953. He is Medical Doctor by the Universidad Central del Ecuador in 1978, Endocrinologist by the Colegio Medico de Pichincha, Federación Médica del Ecuador in 1984, PhD in Pharmacology by the Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto, Universidad de Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1987 and Clinic Specialist in Hypertension by the Latin American Society of Hypertension (LASH) and the Guadalajara University, Mexico 2004. Dr Lopez-Jaramillo has worked in Wellcome Research Laboratories, London, UK, with Sir Salvador Moncada in 1987-1990, participating of the discovery and characterization of the L-Arginine-Nitric Oxide Pathway in the vascular endothelium. Nowadays is Professor and General Rector of the Universidad de Santander (UDES) and Scientific Director of the Masira Research Institute. Is a Member of the Lancet Commission on Hypertension and the National Leader in Colombia of the PURE and others clinical and epidemiologic studies.  Dr Lopez-Jaramillo received the Scientific Merit Award of the Colombia Society for Advance of Sciences 2006, the Award of the Colombian Scientific Associations and Medical Schools of Bucaramanga to a Life dedicated to the Medical Research in 2018, the Award of Honorary Member of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) in 2018 by the extraordinary contributions to research in hypertension, the Alberto Zanchetti Life Achievement Award of the ESH in 2022 and the Angela Restrepo Award of the Colombian Government as the Better Researcher in  Life Sciences and Health.  Have published more that 340 articles in hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular risk factors, with more that 100 articles in the top medical journals: NEJM, Lancet, BMJ, JAMA, Circulation, Eur Hearth J. His H index is 97 and the number of citations of his work is over 118.000 citations (Google Academic, March 2023), and is or has been member of the Editorial Committee of Hypertension, Journal of Hypertension, Acta Médica Colombiana, Revista Colombiana de Cardiología. Dr Lopez-Jaramillo has participated as author o reviewer of the Latin American, Word Health Organization and International Society of Hypertension guidelines on hypertension. Has been President of the LASH 2014-2016, is a Fellow Member of the ISH, ESH and nowadays Dr Lopez-Jaramillo is the Honorary President of the next ISH Biannual Meeting to be held in Cartagena, Colombia 2024.

He was born in Monción, Santiago Rodríguez on June 3, 1972. He holds a PhD in Education, concentration in Leadership in Higher Education, from Nova Southeastern University in Florida.
He completed an International master’s degree in University Management at the Universidad Alcalá de Henares, Spain; a master’s degree in Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana in Rome, Italy; and a master’s degree in University Management and Teaching at the Universidad Católica de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. He also holds a degree in Theology from the Seminario Pontificio Santo Tomás de Aquino de Santo Domingo in Santo Domingo and a degree in Philosophy from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra of the Dominican Republic.
He studied specialty in University Teaching at the Catholic University of Santo Domingo and has completed several diplomas, among which are: Distance Higher Education and use of Virtual Learning Environments under a Competency Approach, at the Universidad Católica de Santo Domingo (UAPA); Management of Accompaniment Processes in the Educational Center, at the Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, and at the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC); Human Resources Management, Entrepreneurship, Santo Domingo; Human Resources Administration, at the Universidad Psicología Industrial Dominicana (UPI), Santo Domingo; and Vocation Ministry, at ITEPAL – CELAM, Bogotá, Colombia.
To his professional endorsement is added many courses, seminars and workshops in leadership, management of higher education and pastoral work, as well as his studies and mastery of English, Italian and Creole. In addition, his participation as a lecturer, panelist, and moderator in national and international congresses.
In his professional career he has served as rector of the Universidad Católica Tecnológica de Barahona (UCATEBA) and university professor of undergraduate and postgraduate studies, at the same university, of the subjects Professional Ethics, Introduction to Philosophy, Introduction to the Bible, Biblical and Theological Foundations, and Ethics and Introduction to the Bible.
It is part of institutions and organizations, occupying management, and membership positions. Currently, he is president of the Asociación Dominicana de Universidades Católicas e Institutos Especializados Católicos de la República Dominicana (ADUCA), and a member of the Comité Ejecutivo del Consorcio Hemisférico de Universidades (HUC). He was vice president of the Asociación de Rectores de Universidades Dominicana (ADRU), and vice president of the Consejo para el Desarrollo Estratégico de Santiago (CDES); He is also a member of the Consejo de Directores de la Fundación de Apoyo al Suroeste (FUNDASUR) and member of the Consejo de Educación Superior Ciencia y Tecnología (CONESCyT).
For his contributions in the professional field and for his pastoral work he has received recognitions from the Universidad Católica Tecnológica de Barahona (UCATEBA), the Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Mipymes; the Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos, the Asociación Dominicana de Rectores de Universidades (ADRU), the Instituto de Contadores Públicos Autorizados, Filial Barahona (ICPARD); the Escuela Dominicana de Comunicación Oral (EDOCO), the Colegio Dominicano de Periodistas (CDP) y Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa (SNTP), and the Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Provincia Bahoruco, Inc. (ADEPROBA). Also, he was declared “Meritorious Son of the city of Barahona”, by the City Council of the Municipality of Barahona.

Victoria Bamond is currently Chief Academic Officer (CAO) and Provost at Schiller International University. She holds a BA in Anthropology and a BA in Spanish from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (UMASS) where she was also a Top NCAA Athlete and graduated Cum Laude. Additionally, she received a Licenciatura (equivalent to BA) in Hispanic Philology from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, and her PhD in Humanities from the Universidad Carlos III, Madrid. She has over 20 years’ experience in Higher Education holding positions as Professor and Researcher, Chair for the Department of Education, Vice Dean of Internationalization and Academic Projects, and Academic Director at Universidad Europea of Madrid where she led the implementation of Challenge-Based Learning Academic Model and played a key role in the internationalization of the School of Social Sciences and Communication reaching agreements with prestigious universities such as London School of Economics and Heriot Watt in UK, UC Riverside and George Mason in US. She has published in high impact Q1 and Q2 journals, was visiting Researcher at London School of Economics and holds a Management Certificate from Harvard Business School Online.

CEO and founder of SenecaLab, co-founder of the Podcast EdUp en Español and leader of the Panama chapter of the Inter-American Association of EdTechs Holds IAEE, Member of the Board of Directors of APEDE, permanent advisor of REALCUP, and member of CONEAUPA. She was rector of two universities in Panama and President of the Association of Private Universities of Panama, Director of the Board of Directors of the National Council for Private Enterprise and moderator of the Panama table in NAFSA.

She is an international speaker and has published articles in newspapers and magazines such as the Revista Colombiana de Computación. She is certified in Project Management from the University of Texas at Arlington and in Finance from INCAE. She has a Master’s degree in E-Learning from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), in which she obtained the distinction of meritorious thesis and is a Systems Engineer from the UNAB.

Leveraging over a decade of education expertise and armed with an MSc in Engineering from UC Berkeley, Ernesto Tejeda Yeomans is the CEO and founder of PREP2U, expertly guiding Latin American students towards top-tier global programs. He excels in instructional design, EdTech integration, and harnessing AI’s educational potential. His impactful TEDx talk, ‘Unlock Your Genius: Shine with your voice at College Admissions,’ deeply resonates with those pursuing academic excellence. Amid the pandemic, he ingeniously transformed high school Math into a groundbreaking televised series, collaborating with the Secretariat of Public Education of the Government of Mexico.
In Mexico’s evolving education landscape, Ernesto pushes boundaries, shaping transformative learning experiences. With unwavering commitment to revolutionize teaching methods, he’s a trailblazer for the future of education. Simultaneously pursuing a PhD in Education, Ernesto embodies dedication to elevating global learning opportunities.