Ximena Córdova obtained her Mathematics degree at the Escuela Politécnica Nacional, from Quito-Ecuador, being the first woman to graduate of this academic program. She complemented her postgraduate studies with a Master’s Degree in Quality, Management and Productivity; as well as a Master in Actuarial Science at the Iowa State University, Iowa, USA. She is a PhD in Industrial Engineering from Wichita State University, USA.
She is a Professor at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) in the Department of Industrial Engineering, IIN – Faculty of Sciences and Engineering. She also served as Vice Chancellor of the San Francisco de Quito University, being the first woman to hold this position at USFQ.
In 2015, coupled with a group of university professors, she created the “Women in Science and Engineering project” (WISE), to encourage more women to study in the fields of science and engineering. From her experience, she positively influenced several alumni to obtain their PhD in Engineering and for many graduates to continue their fourth level studies.
She has been part of many international collaborations such as her stay at MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT-CTL) as a visiting professor collaborating on issues related to CO2 measurements in vulnerable environments such as the Galapagos Islands. She was part of continuous faculty exchanges with Jonköping International Business School in Sweden through the Linnaeus-Palme program. She is an enthusiast of the International Collaborative Online Learning program (COIL).
She is an editor of the Industrial and Systems Engineering Review (ISER). For several years she has been a member of many executive boards organizations, as “Mujeres por Mujeres”; “Transfer and Technology Center”, “CTT-USFQ”; “Techniseguros”; “ACTUARY”; and “WISE”.
Pablo Beltrán Ayala is a renowned Ecuadorian Academic, majoring in Public Policy and Higher Education. He has a Ph.D. in Public Policy from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.
Moreover, he graduated with a Master’s Degree in Administration (MBA) from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador, and a Master’s Degree in Economics with a major in Marketing and Consumption from the University of Gdansk in Poland, where he obtained his degree as an economist.
He has more than 25 years of academic professing experience in various institutions of higher education in Ecuador, both in undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
He has been outstanding as a scholar, author of the book “Educación Superior en Ecuador (1990-2010): una mirada a la política pública previo a la Ley Orgánica de Educación Superior” (“Higher Education in Ecuador (1990-2010): a look at public policy prior to the Organic Law of Higher Education”), co-author of several scientific papers, and member of the editorial committee.
He currently is a titular professor at Universidad San Francisco de Quito and President of the Higher Education Council, where he has acted as Academic Advisor since 2018.
Alejandro Cheyne García is the current President of Universidad del Rosario, one of the most prestigious universities in Colombia. He is an economist and pedagogue with a doctorate and master’s degree in this discipline. He has a wide trajectory in leading higher education institutions and high-quality international accreditation processes, and also serves as a member of the boards of national and international organizations.
He has over 25 years of experience as a professor and has received various recognitions for his outstanding professional and teaching work. In 2018, he was appointed as the Board Chair of the international accrediting body ACBSP, becoming the first Latin American to assume this important position.

Antonio Alonso graduated in Physics from the Complutense University of Madrid in 1988 and later obtained an Executive MBA from the European School of Business. He began his professional career in the field of innovation within the aerospace sector and currently has more than 30 years of experience in the higher education sector. He is the president of the Spanish Association of Business Schools and Postgraduate Centers, of which he was one of the founding partners. He is currently also vice president of EUPHE (European Federation of Private Higher Education)

Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, with concentration in International Journalism, graduated Magna Cum Laude (“With the highest honors”). Diploma in Curriculum Management by Competencies, Diploma in Educational Management, Master’s Degree in Educational Management and Leadership. Doctor of Philosophy. President of the Latin American Association of University Public Relations Careers (ALACAURP) from 6 years. Experience in university teaching and educational management for twenty years. She is a full-time professor at ECOTEC University, where she has served as Coordinator, Vicedean and Dean of the Faculty of Marketing and Communication. Subsequently, she was Academic Vice Principal and is currently Principal of the institution.

PhD in Development Studies at the Nelson Mandela University (Port Elizabeth, ZA), Master’s degree in Education, Specialist in University Teaching and B.A in Education. Fellow of the Institute for International Education of the US Department of State. He studied Project Management at the University of Oldenburg (GER). He is currently the Director of Internationalization at Universidad Externado de Colombia. He has attended and presented at several workshops and conferences on themes related to HE internationalization and participated actively in the creation and organization of the Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Internationalization of Higher Education in Colombia (LACHEC). He is the current president of the CCYK Association of Universities, Executive Director of the Corporation for Studies in France, and member of the Advisory Board of the National Society of Leadership and Success in Colombia.

Harold Castilla is a Eudist priest who served as lecturer and dean at UNIMINUTO before becoming its academic vice-rector and president. He studied philosophy at the Juan XXIII Major Seminary and Santo Tomas University, and theology at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. He is a specialist in social ethics and the social doctrine of the Church, having studied at the Gregorian University in Rome.

F. Harold holds a doctorate in education from Nova Southeastern University in the US. He has been trained in Senior Management and participated in the President’s program at the Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia).

Father Harold is also a member of some boards of directors in which they stand out. UNIVERSIA, Connect Bogotá, ASCUN, APICE, Red Mutis, among others.

Anton Tejeda, born in the Dominican Republic with British origins, is an educator, entrepreneur, and visionary. He has amassed extensive experience in the field of education, holding important positions within the sector and making significant contributions to key projects aimed at enhancing the quality of education in the Dominican Republic.
After studying and working abroad, Anton Tejeda returned to the Dominican Republic in 1998 to lead the Saint George School, an International British school founded by his mother, Maureen Tejeda. He has developed and maintained innovation and educational leadership through curriculum optimization, international accreditations, and the inclusion of the IGCSE Program. He has focused investments on professional development, technology, and infrastructure.
In addition, Anton Tejeda has been the founder and president of Antillian Service since 1998, a company that represents the most important publishing houses from the United States and the United Kingdom, importing and distributing educational texts and materials to K-12 schools, language institutes, and the Ministry of Education. He also offers professional development to teachers and educational institution directors.
Three years ago, Mr. Tejeda founded the Instituto Superior de Estudios Especializados en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Luis Heredia Bonetti (IES-LHB). Mr. Tejeda’s mission for this project is to offer postgraduate courses, transforming the institution into a provider of degrees in English in the future. Unlike other universities, IES-LHB focuses on delivering disruptive education, creating leaders capable of driving the necessary change.
With a degree in Economics and Political Science from Yale University, he also pursued a Master’s in Educational Management at UNIBE and a Master’s in Public Administration at Harvard. A father of five children, Anton Tejeda is married to Paula Bonetti. Tejeda is a tireless worker who is committed to improving education in the Dominican Republic.


Rector. Universidad del Caribe (UNICARIBE). Since February 2023.

Emeritus Professor in Nuclear Engineering at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)

President of the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE). Since March 2023.

Member of the Expert Committee of the Spanish Nuclear Regulatory Commission (2020-2024)

President of Madrid Industrial Engineering Association. Since November 2022.


Dean of College of Industrial Engineering at UPM (April 2014 – April 2018)

Vice-Rector for Academic Degrees and Doctorate at UPM (2012-2014)

Vice–Rector for Academic Management and Professors at UPM (2004-2012)

President of the European Nuclear Society (ENS) (January 2020 – December 2021)

Vice-President of ENEN (2009- 2012)

Member of the Scientific Technical Committee of Euratom (2014- 2018)

Expert Member of the International Assessment of the Discipline of Nuclear Science and Technology. Harbin Engineering University (R.P. of China). (July 2019)


Visiting and invited professor in more than 20 Universities and Research Centers as:

Harbin Engineering University (R.P. China), 2020

University of Florida (USA). (June- August 1992)

University of Nevada. Reno (USA). (September 2000)

Norhwersten Polytechnical University (NPU), Xi´an (China). (July 2018)

Polytechnical University of Saint Petersburg (Rusia). (July 2018 and July 2019)

Instituto Balseiro (Argentina) (September-November 2019)

Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (Chile) (December 2019)

Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (from January to March 2020)

Tec Monterrey (Mexico) (October 2015)

Instituto Politécnico Nacional (México) (October 2015)

Universidad Autónoma (México) (March 2017)

Purdue University (USA)  (December 2016)

Tongi University (China) (December 2017)

Beihang University (China) (December 2017) (October 2018)

Xi´an Jiaotong (China) (October 2018) (April 2019)

Harbin Engineering University (April 2019)

OCDE-NEA Data Bank. Paris (September-November 1981)

Institute Lebedev. Academy of Sciences URSS, Russia. (December 1985)

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. (September 1985)

Ispra Research Centre (Euratom). Italy. (November 1986)

Los Alamos National Laboratory, EEUU. (September 1987, November 1993)

Livermore National Laboratory. EEUU. (November 1989, October 1992)

INP kfk Karlsruhe. Germany. (July-August 1995)

CEA Limeil Valenton. France. (May 1996, May 1997, April 1998)


Over more than 150 published papers in journals and about 200 papers at International Conferences.